What do consultants do all day?

The daily work of a business consultant includes collecting data and insights (through research, surveys, interviews), carrying out analyses, creating PowerPoint presentations, and suggesting solutions to clients. The job involves a lot of travel and long hours are the norm. After your customer meetings, meet with your project team to share what you’ve learned and delegate new work. You’ll also likely create an action plan for the rest of the week.

I remember a moment many years ago when I was at my impasse and made the decision to do everything I could to get into business consulting and wondered what a day in the life of a consultant really was. I was able to look at parts of the management consulting lifestyle, but I wanted to see the full story. Now, after many years in business consulting and leading teams, I know what I would say to my younger self to satisfy their miracle. A day in the life of a consultant has many ups and downs, moments that are really important, sometimes physical pain because I’ve pushed myself to the limit for too long and sometimes tap dancing inside because I’ve been exposed to things in my life that I would never otherwise be exposed to at this point in my life.

A day in the life of a consultant is, of course, different. I can’t break bread with reputable business leaders every day. Some days I work until my body hurts and my hands shake. And of course, there is no such thing as an average day.

One of the pros and cons of consulting, depending on how you look at it, is the fact that things are always changing and you’re always doing something different — working on different problems, with different people for a different client. Below I’ll try to describe a day in the life of a counselor. I think it could be interesting for someone like me early in my career who wants to go into counseling and is wondering what it’s really like. Of course, other consultants may have different experiences, but all I can share with you is my experience.

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I’ve chosen a day that isn’t the worst and not the best to represent as precisely as possible what an average day in the life of a consultant, a consultant, looks like. Is this a typical day in the life of a consultant? No, not in every consultant’s life. Management consultants who work for the leading consulting firms help solve their clients’ business problems, such as CEOs, CFOs, department heads, and other executives of large companies (Fortune 1000, Fortune Global 500, etc.). Management consulting is a collective term that can cover several areas, such as strategy or business consulting.


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Business Consulting

The daily work of a business consultant includes collecting data and insights (through research, surveys, interviews), carrying out analyses, creating PowerPoint presentations, and suggesting solutions to clients. The job involves a lot of travel and long hours are the norm. After your customer meetings, meet with your project team to share what you’ve learned and…